16 November 2006

New Horses on the Farm ...

Here are two pictures of me driving Bud and Lad down the driveway the day after we got them. They worked together just beautifully! Hank Jr. stayed in the barn, but you can see Dan and Donner in the background of the top pic, wondering who the heck these big guys are!


caterry1 said...

Wow! What big horses you have, my dear. Almost a month with no news and now three new posts. Your puppy is adorable, but he is not going to be small either.

So you elected to go down the beta path of no return? Should be interesting. Keep us "posted".

caterry1 said...

I like the new design and the title! It is sharp. However, your complete profile and personal stuff disappeared. What about the Hillcrest blog? Is it gone? Can't wait to see what comes next.

Helen MR said...

Hi Karen,
Good for you for taking the plunge on the beta. I agree with "caterry" -- I like the appearance. How easy is it to use (and how easy was the switch?). What are the behind the scenes differences that you have noticed?